"Why won't my tenants just DO what I WANT them to?"  
(Said every Landlord ever)
NEW Way to tackle an old problem and make more money in the process...
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*We want you to be successful, but unfortunately we can't guarantee The Million Dollar Lease will make you a certain dollar amount or solve all your problems in Life or in your rental business. The Million Dollar Lease value is estimated at $2,500 but may be worth more or less based on your area. We are selling it to you for just $97 to a Limited Number of people. This is not a substitute for legal advice, so please seek your own. This page and offer may be removed at any time without notice. Your information is secure and will never be shared.
What is The Million Dollar Lease?

It is NOT just another generic lease on the internet - it's part of an overall system of business.

It is NOT a lease you should take lightly - though it's easy to use, over and over.

It is NOT just a pile of papers for your tenants to sign - though when they sign it they will see expectations laid out very clearly, minus excess "legal jargon".

It is NOT a lease that is like every other lease out there - though it will be easy to understand once you get familiar with each section. 

The Million Dollar Lease is A Business Shortcut

This lease is NOT about  "how to get rich quick"... but if you follow and enforce what's in it, you will definitely make more money in your existing rental business.  Why can I say that? 

Because this IS a lease that is about laying out clear expectations...  no matter what side of the lease you're on.  

Every good business has customers who know what's expected of them, and customers know what they can expect from the business.  

You know your expectations.  

Residents know what's expected of them.  

If you've ever been frustrated, feeling like you're playing against a stacked deck... a solid lease is where you need to start.  This is the lease you've been looking for!

 Hurry, This Offer Won't Last Long!

Available only to the first 500 people who take action


 The Million Dollar Lease

Make a bunch more money, save time, and make it MUCH easier to manage your rentals!

  • Get instant access to The Million Dollar Lease - The lease agreement which has brought me over One Million Dollars in rents (obviously your mileage may vary)
  • ​Completely editable which means you can easily change it to suit your existing rental operation
  • ​Model your business after the Amazon bestselling book, The Time-Wealthy Investor 2.0 which means you can save time and adopt best-practices directly into your rental operation
  • ​BONUS! Includes a sample Community Guidelines and Pet Addendum Sample, which means you can tailor this to suit your specific tenants and properties

From: Mark Dolfini, Landlord Coach
Re: How to make more money, save time, and make it easy to manage your rentals

Does This Sound Familiar...

You’ve got a dream to make your fortune in real estate. 

Maybe you want to support yourself with rentals like I do... or maybe just a few rentals to get your kids through college… or help fund your retirement… or retire early… or get out of that unfulfilling job. 

Maybe you’re a parent, or an aspiring author, or a community leader, or a baseball coach.

You’re tired of seeing others around you make it in rentals when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you work a lot harder than they do. 

Maybe you’ve thought about hiring an attorney to draw up a lease from scratch, but when you see their prices you have a heart attack (not only from the hourly rate, but you wind up with a 'meh' lease that's just like everyone else)!

What is it you REALLY Want?

Would you be interested if:

  • You could make a LOT more money with your existing rentals
  • ​You could get your rentals to run smoothly
  • ​To simply just pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk left over (instead of working a second job to make ends meet)

Wherever you're at, and whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to have it run on "auto-pilot" as quickly as possible so you can enjoy your Life... instead of working all the time! 

Having whitespace on your calendar, THAT'S Freedom! THAT'S Time-Wealth! That's what The Time-Wealthy Investor 2.0 is all about! The Million Dollar Lease follows everything written about in the book. 

In the past, you may have experienced failure buying a bunch of courses trying to get your rentals to run smoothly, and now what really concerns you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).

You should understand something...

Me in the middle of one of my frustrating days... back in 2009.  Fortunately, that was soon to end!

None Of This Is Your Fault!

You just don't know how it actually works to run a rental business in today’s fast-paced and lawsuit-happy world... yet! It’s not that you're not smart enough or lack the ability or will power to “make it happen.”

The actual issue is you've just not learned what the "professionals" know, but won't (or can't) teach you.

But, the great news for you is I'm going to show you how to make more money, protect your investments, and get your rental operation to run a lot smoother instantly (but don't worry if you only have a few rentals... this will get you ready to scale up)!

Bottom line: Running a successful rental operation is a LOT easier than you think once you know how!

It started out by making a small change which completely changed my life… 

This change got me a few hours back in my day, made me an extra $1,000 a month (which also helped me climb out of a huge financial hole).

It's 2009, I'm 37 years old and flat on my back in the hospital with double-pneumonia after nearly working myself to death in my rental business.  The economy is falling apart and only about half my renters are paying rent.  

It's my third day in the hospital - I'm broke, struggling to get healthy, and my rental business is a total disorganized mess.

Working all those 18 to 20 hour days - I'm embarrassed to admit...

I was caught up in "The Hustle..." 

You see, I’d been buying real estate with no clear understanding as to how I was going to run them, or for that matter, how I was going to make money.  I had nothing resembling a business, no software, no phone system, I barely had a working website.  

To make matters worse, I had several different versions of my lease among all of my 92 rentals... it was all a complete disaster.   

So, I got serious about putting some rules and systems in place.  

That’s when I learned about systems… all sorts of systems.  Because the "system" I had in place was a disaster, I spent the next two years figuring out how to make the rental business work… trying not worry about keeping both my electric and water from getting shut off.

Then I made a decision that changed my life...

From Self-employed to Business Owner

When I upgraded my software in my business I realized I had 12 DIFFERENT LEASES!  What a NIGHTMARE keeping all of that STRAIGHT!

Having ONE Master Lease made ALL the difference in keeping everything straight!

In the summer of 2010, I learned about property management software, which was a critical piece of infrastructure my business desperately needed.  That's when the lightbulb went off... 

As I converted my resident files from my elaborate Excel spreadsheets to this new software, my business made a substantial turn for the better.

What happened?

As I was entering the information into this new software system, I realized I had about 12 different versions of my lease!  What a nightmare to keep track of!

Over the next 6 months I was trying to get all my residents on the same lease terms.  

Working with my attorney, I pulled out the most clear language across all 12 versions that most clearly conveyed the expectations between me and my residents.  

Now that everyone was on the same lease, and the expectations were clear between me and my residents, it was so much easier to enforce the lease (and different fees) when appropriate. 

What a difference that made in the running of my rental business!

That first month under the new lease amounted to a $1,000 increase in revenues related to mowing, utilities, early termination, and late fees.    

Since these were things the residents knew they were responsible for, it was MUCH easier to collect.  

I just hadn't been holding them accountable.  Having a clear, well-defined lease changed all that.

Now, $1.000 in one month may not sound like much, but that was enough to pay for the software, BOTH my electric AND my water bill, plus a little left over!  WOW!  I had money! What does one DO with money?!?  I had been broke (and broken) for so long I forgot how to act!

That extra money changed my life more than anything else I'd done... more than paying off my student loans... more than paying cash for my future investment properties... more than switching to a life which I work just 2 to 3 hours a week in my rental business.  A far cry from the 20 hours a day I was working...  

It's all because I have a well-defined lease.

All that other stuff is amazing, but that first time I collected on money that was due to my Business because expectations were clear, the first time I believed in myself and not felt "weird" about charging money on accounts that rightfully belonged to my Business... It was truly liberating.

I finally made the leap to Business Owner

Make your Expectations Clear

It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized I can actually make money consistently in my rental business...  

But I didn't stop there.  

I kept refining my lease.  Any time I saw an opportunity to offer a different service I could charge for, a weakness, an omission, someone trying to sneak something by me... or anytime I saw an opportunity to make it better... I adopted new expectations.  

I knew it could keep getting better, and it did.

Let me be clear: This is not about charging a bunch of inappropriate fees and screwing your customers, but adding CLARITY. 

Clarity that came in the form of additional services and options that added VALUE to my Customers, like lease buyout clauses and cleaning fees, which benefitted both me AND the Resident.   

It gave me an additional tool in my toolbox to solve problems that my residents - my customers - were frequently having, and I got paid for finding a solution.  

Having a well-defined lease I could enforce held the keys to unlock the success I wanted!

And you know what? With a LOT of study, hard work, and experimentation (along with a my fair share of trial and error) over the last 22 years I got really good at what works and what doesn't!

Much of what was written in the Amazon Best Seller The Time-Wealthy Investor 2.0 came from The Million Dollar Lease

I’ve been fortunate enough to:

  • Go from working 18 to 20 hours a DAY to just 2 to 3 hours per WEEK in my rental business 
  • Increase my portfolio from 92 units to over 250 while working 95% less hours
  • Spend more time doing what I LOVE like coaching, teaching, and writing books (plus throwing rounds downrange with my boys)
  • Being able to consistently hit personal, financial and spiritual goals related to my personal Vision
  • ​Have a much deeper relationship with my God, my Bride, and our boys

But here’s something you may not realize, especially if you think you can just hire a lawyer to put your lease, your policies, and procedures together for you.

No matter how close you are to your attorney, it would be highly unlikely that they would know how you want your business to run!

That’s right!  They don't know your policies, procedures, your skills, tolerance for risk... they only know the law

That doesn't mean you don't need an attorney!  Quite the contrary.  But with this lease, you can bring your lawyer a document which represents a proven system they can use to craft terms in your lease that is in compliance with the laws in your area.*  

It's like being handed the keys to the castle! 

It's True! Now YOU Can Manage Rental Properties Just Like The Pros!

And here’s more great news!

First, getting a good lease doesn't mean you have to spend years figuring it out like I did. A great lease leaves clues… it tells you over time what is working, what people understand, and what doesn't working and needs to be tweaked... It's a lease which represents a whole system of operating rentals that anyone can understand, including you, which you can use to get great results… FAST!

Second, not only will you not have to struggle for years, but you have a unique opportunity right now to get all of those clues and past mistakes I made when you get your sample copy of The Million Dollar Lease.

Note: This lease by itself is not a substitute for legal advice, so get your attorney to review this before using!

Claim Your Copy of

“The Million Dollar Lease”

(How Everyone Can Use The Power Of Clarity To Get More Money, Save Time, and Make it Easy to Manage your Rentals… No Matter How Many Units You Have!)

Inside the pages of this lease is an amazing way to do business... all detailed in 34 terms you can use to…

  • Increase your money coming in
  • ​​Minimize your money going out
  • Get clarity in your expectations 
  • ​Be fair and consistent with your customers 
  • ​Stay compliant with your local laws (once your attorney has reviewed it)

You'll even get the most recent version of the lease I use every day, it's a lease that changed everything for me... all secrets I’ve learned over the last two decades from actually doing it.

There's no theory. There's no fluff. This is the real deal!

Again, this is all straight from my experience with years of study, research, a few tears, and trial and error along the way (along with my fair share of mistakes)… and, making a lot of money too!

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Get...

  • Define clearly who you are and who your Residents are
  • Clearly state your Late Fees and how they are charged
  • ​Show how rent is expected to be paid, whether online, in person, or at a drop box location
  • ​Let them know what your grace period is, if you decide to allow them to have one
  • ​What happens to the first rental payment if they decide not to take possession of the property after signing the lease
  • ​Which forms of payment you will accept and what happens if they bounce a check
  • ​In what order money will be applied (first damages, then late fees, etc.)
  • ​What happens if they want to terminate their lease early
  • ​How is the security deposit held, how damages will be charged, how money is returned and what dictates possession
  • ​Charges you can assess to the Resident for damages while they're still living there
  • ​How to handle satellite dishes and cable installation
  • ​Your expectation as to how the property is to be used and maintained
  • ​Convey how they can make requests to do alterations to the property
  • How maintenance requests are to be made and how they are handled
  • And that's only what's on the first 3 PAGES!!

The Million Dollar Lease draws from multiple chapters in The Time-Wealthy Investor 2.0


In addition to The Million Dollar Lease you also get very valuable Bonus Materials!

BONUS #1: A Community Guidelines document you can tailor to any specific properties you might have.  Perfect if you have a mix of property-types! 

BONUS #2: Includes a Pet Addendum you can use to lay out your expectations for pets and how you can charge extra fees to offset the risk of allowing them

The Bonuses tie it all together...

Look, I can go on and on but you're obviously a smart person and savvy business person to see there is some real value here. So in a minute I'm going to ask you to make a decision.  

But first, I want you to know you have absolutely NOTHING to RISK... 

That's right.  

If you get The Million Dollar Lease and both Bonuses, take 30 days to review everything, and you don't think they're worth at least 10x what you paid, just drop me an email and I'll refund 100% of ALL your money.  

That's right, you literally have nothing to Risk except not being protected by a good lease, leaving money on the table, and not having the Life you want. 

Now it's Time to Take Action

If you had to add up all the time you'd have to pay an attorney to draft a lease like this one, plus the Bonus materials, there's easily over $2,500 worth of value in this offer 

Today, all you have to pay is just one payment of $97

Just click the click to get started, and it will be delivered straight to your inbox.  

The way I see it, you have just 3 choices.  

1) Do nothing.  Your Life stays the same and you go on about your day, getting the same results. 

2) Go it Alone.  You can try to replicate the same materials and experience I have, but honestly, I am not sure how someone could.  It is an option though.  

3) Let me Share.  You get everything I told you would be in the lease and more, and you get it all with nothing to risk.  

All that's left is for you to decide. 

Best Regards,

Mark Dolfini

P.S. Thanks for spending the time with me today, but it is time for you to take action.  Click on the link below and get started.

"The way to get started is to quit talking and to begin doing." ~Walt Disney

The time to take action is now

Did you just Skip to the end to see what the offer was?  Haha, I get it... 

Well, here's everything you get: 

  • ​Get instant access to The Million Dollar Lease - The 8-page sample lease agreement in Word format which has made me over One Million Dollars (obviously your mileage may vary)*
  • Completely editable which means you can easily change it to suit your own rental operation
  • ​It follows the format in the Amazon Bestselling book, The Time-Wealthy Investor 2.0 which you can adopt directly which means you save time from having to create one from scratch
  • ​Bolded Examples make it easy for you to adopt new policies you aren't currently using which means your business keeps getting better and making you more money
  • ​Download the complete lease you can use with minimal modifications or use it to adopt sections of it to your existing lease which saves you money from having an attorney create one from a blank slate
  • BONUS #1: Includes a sample Community Guidelines Addendum which means you can tailor this to suit your specific properties
  • BONUS #2: Includes a sample Pet Addendum to include should you decide to allow pets and offset the risk by charging more money 
Over $2,500 in Value!!
Since I only want the most serious investors having this lease, I am making this offer ONLY to the first 500 people who take me up on it.  

After that, the price will either go up, or the offer will go away completely.  

PLUS, there is a 30-Day, 100% Satisfaction guarantee if you're not completely satisfied! 
Copyright 2024  - Landlord Coach, LLC - All Rights Reserved
*Note: The Million Dollar Lease by itself is not a substitute for legal advice, so get your attorney to review this before using!
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